Going Live

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Going Live

Set up your Domain records

When your website is ready to go live, or you have a new domain name for your existing website, you must set up your DNS settings through your domain host. In order to do this, you will need admin access to the domain which you intend to use. In your domain host, you need to create two A records and a CNAME record.

NOTE: Some domain hosts will not allow you to set up multiple records for the @ domain. If this is the case for your domain host, then simply add one record for the @ domain and include both IP addresses.

Use the following information for the CNAME record and A records:


  • Host. www
  • Points to. s.multiscreensite.com

A Records

First A Record:

  • Host/Alias. @
  • Target/Destination.

Second A Record:

  • Host/Alias@
  • Target/Destination.

Two A Records are used for server balance and redundancy.

NOTE: If you are migrating your site from the previous version of CCH Web Manager you will need to remove the two A records pointing to when adding your new records.


The following is an example from Google Domains, in which they use one A record with two IP addresses:

This image is an example from Google Domains, in which they use one A record with two IP addresses. It shows two A records and oneCNAME settings needed to point a website to CCH Web Manager. The A record shows the IP numbers and The CNAME setting is s.multiscreensite.com

The following is an example from GoDaddy, in which they use two A records (one for each IP):

This image shows an example from GoDaddy's DNS set up, in which they use two A records (one for each IP). There are two A records shown. One has the IP of and the other The CNAME is s.multiscreensite.com.

NOTE: Most domain hosts have instructions on creating CNAME records and A records in their help center. If you cannot find this information, please contact your domain host directly.

Site SSL

Once your primary domain is pointing correctly at your new website, a SSL certificate will be generated - a secured HTTPS connection. HTTPS is great for boosting your SEO and for giving visitors confidence when visiting your pages.

This solution leverages the Let's Encrypt project, which is an open source Certificate Authority that provides free certificates.

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